How is the Weather in Near Earth Space? I Love My Sun

I Love my Sun Event in Music!?

“I love my Sun in Music” was conducted by Kaan Turan who has been motivated towards music since he was six years old. He is one of the gifted young Turkish men who kindly volunteered to take part in “I love my Sun in music” experiment in 2022. (his CV is attached)

Two videos below are his piano compositions in this outreach activity related to “Sun-Earth” relation.

A unique example in Music:

Kaan’s Composition before Tutorial
Kaan’s Composition after Tutorial

He kindly provided a text which briefly interprets his work in ‘I love my Sun’.

Quoting from Kaan:

In the first work I wrote, I intertwined the obscurity of space and its mystery for us, with more atonal approaches, and the deep pleasure and curiosity of the unknown on one side and its disturbingness on the other. I wanted to describe the situation of confronting the pleasure, discomfort and ignorance experienced after every discovery of science about space, with a perspective that centers the individual, using the unexpected outbursts and disturbingness of natural atonality, with a more realistic approach in my own way. But after studying space, I realized that even our dreams of space and our theories are to the extent that our current level of knowledge offers us.

Based on this awareness, in my second work, I examined space and storms with a more serene and imaginative approach. I composed it not from the eyes of someone who was involved in the event, but with a childlike urge to "get under a spell". *

*Turkish Translation:

“İlk yazdığım eserde uzayın bilinmezliğini ve bizler için olan gizemini daha atonal yaklaşımlarla bilinmezliğin bir yandaki derin hazzını,merakını ve öte tarafta duran rahatsız ediciliğini iç içe işledim. Bilimin uzay hakkındaki her buluşundan sonra yaşanan haz, rahatsızlık ve cehaletle yüzleşme durumunu, bireyi merkeze alan bir perspektifle, tabii atonalitenin o beklenmedik çıkışları ve rahatsız ediciliğini de kullanarak, kendimce daha gerçekçi bir yaklaşımla anlatmak istedim. Fakat uzayla ilgili çalışmalardan sonra farkettim ki uzayla ilgili hayallerimiz teorilerimiz bile şu anki bilgi seviyemizin bize sunduğu ölçüde.

Bu farkındalıktan yola çıkarak ikinci eserimde uzayı, fırtınaları daha dingin ve hayalperest bir yaklaşımla irdeledim. Olayın içinde olan biri gözünden değil çocuksu bir "büyüye kapılma" dürtüsü ile besteledim.”